Anyone ever tried to use the Virtual Agent that Microsoft provides? If you have , have you noticed the circles around you?? The Microsoft Community is helpful, IF, that is a large IF you can get to it after you climb over Edge and the other non sense that is pretty but often not helpful if you are in a rush.
I had voice recognition set up on my windows 10 computer but have not used it for a couple of years!! Then the icon disappeared after a download about three months ago. When it used to work it was kind of OK. So today, having a bit more time, I decided to try to figure out what happened to the icon and see if I could reload it. Kind of like the disappearing trash can on my desktop that would and will take off after a download from Microsoft.
I solved that trash can problem with some help from the Microsoft Community and the users of U Tube. Those solutions worked so well that I had two "trash cans" for awhile! I remembered that when I tried to solve that problem, I had tried to use Cortana, who or which, take your pick, is a useless waste of my desktop space. AS usual, I WAS in a hurry to complete the post, so I thought mistakenly that I would try the much hyped "Virtual Agent", who immediately seemed "untrained ". I abandoned that idea of using her relatively quickly on that first attempt because I was losing that day and found solace from my virtual Microsoft users Community.
Today, I was going to blog about my art show that I curated, "Slices of Color in Paint and Stone" that opened last night in Kansas City at the Vine Street Studio 2033 Vine Street near or in the Jazz District, this show,which is by the way, my best, my opinion, curation job thus far. This show will be there for the month, and we will do another First Friday invite slash, for October 6. So keep the date in mind , if you are in KCMO and come out to our show. While Pat Jordan, the owner of the Vine Street Studio, offered me a solo show, I decided to share with two other Kansas City Artists, Phyllis Wiggins- Horne, a jeweler, who I often show with, and Margaretre Gillespie.
This brings me back to the Virtual Agent. To my credit, I solved the disappeared Voice Recognition icon got it up and working, all is well, right??!! This posting was going to be a breeze. I was going to dictate my blog, post some great shots of the show and move on to doing something about the floor that I am ripping out in the upstairs bath. The microphone worked. Check! The headset worked. Check , check. I found from U Tube, note, not Microsoft, how to find what happened to the icon and how to get to it via Easy Access, man`- Check, Check, Check, this was going to work . Voice Recognition was re trained and worked according to the computer.
Now on to Blogger and my new found resolve to do a better job with my Website: and blogger, This is how I got into it with the Virtual Agent, my "helpful friend" residing on my computer, promising me help whenever I need it.
Logging into Blogger, I found that while my computer said that voice recognition was ready and functional, it did not work!! Talk , Talk , Talk nothing, appears on the Blogger page. Well, this is a Microsoft App, surely the Virtual Agent will know how to solve two Microsoft App communication problems. The comedy begins. She referred me back to Easy Access and all the steps on which I just spent an hour. When I typed, notice she turned off her hearing aid when I said that it was not helpful, in response to did it solve my problem,. she referred me to Chat- which is her. Tried again, sent me to Easy Access, which referred me back to her. I did this for 15 minutes with different questions which she either did not understand or just is "untrained". If she were a real person, we would label her unsuited for her position and lacking soft skills and pink slip her!!
Needless to say, I typed this blog and will re-visit Microsoft Community and U Tube for a solution later..
Update on Miss VA, she has been relieved of her position, temporarily for "alternate truths" that do not support her stance as a helper.
Take a quick look at the show, "Slices of Color in Paint and Stone" in the images attached. Hope that you can make our next First Friday, October 6, 2017 at 2033 Vine Street in the Jazz District of KCMO from 5-8 pm.
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