I did not get to Augusta, Missouri Plein Air to paint this year. Instead, I had a surprise surgery; actually two surprise surgeries. I did participate in the Stems Plein Air. www.stemspleinair.com. I did two paintings prior to the second surgery. I was pleased that both endeavors sold at the Stems events.

Twilight done in oil at the Quick Paint
Shadows oil
For the last week, I have tried to sit down and tackle three paintings that I need to begin. One is a commission that needs to be started like last week ! Besides the usual duties, I have had company twice which means extra house work, laundry, cooking, cleaning, errands, shopping and attention. I am pretty organized, but like many creative persons, once I start a project, I do not like to be interrupted.
I am immersed.
I work until I am tired.
I eat what I want and when I please.
I do not clean house or do laundry.
I do not answer the phone for unnecessary time consuming conversations.
My family understands these moods after having put up with them for years and so do my very close friends.
It is hard to entertain and be a charming gracious hostess with all the work that is required to entertain- when one's mind is on the creative process. I need to paint, I need to work... my mind keeps churning as I bake, clean, smile and plan.
I realized last week why male artists have more time; they have a wife to do the cleaning, washing, ironing, cooking, errands, grocery shopping and all the other stuff necessary to keep life moving ! This last week I needed a wife. A maid has to be directed. A wife functions without direction. I know - I was one once.
Next week with a deadline looming- I am retiring to to my cave studio to work all week. I am not answering the phone or doing e-mail or attending meetings- unless of course money is involved.
I have four shows to prepare for---one on Chicago,one in Kansas City, one in Independence. I need to re place the jewelry pieces that just sold as well.
I plan to be ready .