Saturday, March 19, 2011

Another New Try

It is raining today.  My computer or Computer Associates,CA,  my virus protection, is trying really hard not to allow me to finish my work. I am posting or will try to post the next in the Series Women Doing Everyday Things.  This picture is:  Life Continues... I am still trying to put this on my website, even after several frustrating adjustments with CA.

I had a really, really great day yesterday- I started with the 18th and Vine District- visited the Jazz Museum and worked my way all the way downtown. I visited  every gallery that was open in the Cross Roads Arts District in Kansas City, Missouri. Several old favorites are closed, and there are several new "art spaces" open. I would not classify some of these sites as  real galleries, although the KC Star lists them as galleries.

I had breakfast in Lee's Summit and had dinner in Westport in Kansas City, MO. I finished the evening by visiting the Silver Smith's Guild meeting at the Westport  Presbyterian Church.  I have been trying to make this  meeting since I moved to Missouri. They had a wonderful demonstration on fuse soldering argentinum silver. Plan to join if they continue to meet on third Fridays.  Seems to be a really nice group of artists.

I am really excited to announce that I will have a gallery show scheduled at the Vine Street Studio Gallery 2101 Vine Street  with Pat Jordan Associates in September, 2011 in Kansas City, Missouri.  Will be more blogging  about this as I get closer to the date and get more direction from Pat Jordan, a well known veteran gallery owner in Kansas City.

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